Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Boys, a prediction

Today at work an 87 year-old lady Italian lady with the most affecting accent told me I had beautiful brown eyes, that my heritage should be Italian (like her) instead of German/British/Whitebread, and that I will resolutely not have twin baby girls when Husband and I start having kids, but instead will have a flock of boys. Ugh. I was tracking with her right up until the "boy" bit. I told her I wouldn't know what to do with male offspring, being raised in a family full of females myself, but she said it didn't matter because the boys- oh the boys- "they love their mamma. The girls love their daddy. You will have the boys."

She was in town visiting her son.

Let's hope she's no oracle.

Twin baby girls.



Johi said...

"The boys" is good. :) I am from a matriarch as well and I love the boys. I'm the QUEEN in this house. Umhm.

Kelly said...

Aww...that's really cute!

Cristy said...

I always wanted boys and had girls. My sister (who was miss priss) wanted girls and got boys. How is that fair?

Ange said...

Too funny.

EVERYONE in my husband's family has boys. He has a brother, his brother had two boys, he has two boy cousins.

We're hoping when we have kids it'll be a girl, but I'm 98% certain it will be a boy.

But, seriously, how freaking AWESOME would twin girls be?!

Unknown said...

I think it would be myself or JW who has the twinsies next, but God only knows!

Bridget McCarthy said...

I'm actually thinking of trading my girls in for boys. Because little girls grow up to be teen girls and teen girls do not seem to love the Mama so very much....